Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chullo and friends

Of all the Peruvian hats (including one that Matt calls the "tiny sombrero on top of the head", below), one of the most symbolic of Peru is the Chullo (pronounced choo-yo), seen at left in traditional model and below, its urban cousin. I just gave my little cousin Kate a hot pink model with llamas and Peru inscribed on it.

Apparently, this is somehow all the rage in New York, as the Times recently reported. Although the NYT did call them ugly, they also mentioned they are darn warm. Not to mention, they are "muy barato".

In Peru hat is "gorro" and cap is "gafa". Below I bring to you a variety of pictures of peruvian hats, from the tiny sombrero to the late 19th century bowlers, to the cowboy hats, to the mini tablecloth-with-fringe sort of variety. Enjoy - and if you find a good resource that explains all of them, please let me know.

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