here's an email i sent my friends recently that received some fantastic replies:
Buenas noches muchachos y muchachas,
In a moment I'd like to call "Although I look and feel awake, I've slept 10 hours over the last 3 days" . . . I found my cellphone melted in the oven. For those concerned about my well being, I'm not going on simpatico strike with the french cabbies - I'm on my surgery rotation. And actually, truly enjoying it.
See attached picture for amazing Dali-esque moment right in the heart of Boston. I assume it must have slipped out of my pocket when I put my dinner in the oven. At any rate it looks like my sim card may have vaporized (like the dehydration attack in the old batman series) - I sincerely doubt that my phone numbers are recuperable. So I would like to kindly request that you send me your contact numbers (cell, home, or wherever I usually call you) for the inevitable new cellie-to-be. Thanks you!
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