Tuesday, September 2, 2008

we're gonna race down the amazon on a raft we build with our bare hands

Yup, you read that right. Catherine, Colin, Marjory and a yet to be named 4th are gonna race in the Amazon Raft Race 2008. We'll go to Iquitos, the biggest city in the world that you can't drive to (only plane or boat), build a raft out of balsawood logs, and then race down 132 miles of Amazon over 3 days. Colin thinks it'll look something like the picture below but since machetes , gloves, and a first aid kit are on the supply list it'll probably be less glam . . .

But here's where you come in: We are raising money for LimaKids, a very worthwhile organization devoted to helping street kids in Lima through activities including a street clinic and soccer league. We'll deduct the $150 entry fee from the donations (for materials, bus, tents, some meals), and the 4 of us will contribute our costs for airfare and hotel for the first and last night to the cause.

How do you sign up to be part of this madcap adventure? Two ways:

1. Click on the donate button. This will paypal it to us and we'll take it from there.

if that doesn't work try this:

2. If you're gonna donate a chunk of change and need a tax receipt, go straight to LimaKids. Just let us know please how much was donated so we can report back our total (we'll keep your anonymity if so desired).

If you want to see how it went for Mark, last year's fellow, check out his blog.


Roxy said...

Time to channel the engineer! Good Luck.

In the meantime, stay afloat and please avoid piranas and anacondas... and bugs.....

I hate nature.

wayfool said...

awesome... that sounds absolutely crazy; and something I'd love to do someday.

You should probably mention that LimaKids was founded by Tufts Med Alum '07 Joe Donroe.